Supercharge Your Digital Ads 

Hi there. My name is Lois, and I’m a digital marketing consultant who doesn’t believe in “magic bullets” or “secret sauces” that is guaranteed to 10x your business overnight.

Instead, I believe in research, data analysis, strategy, idea generation and lots of testing (a.k.a. bloody hard work). 

Sounds like someone you want to create flippin’ awesome ad accounts with?

Great! Stay with me and read on.

Digital Marketing Solutions Without Bullcr*p

👀Full Transparency

Have full access of the ad accounts I work on. You can also opt to see the magic behind the scenes when I set up and optimise the account.

🧘 Full Flexibility

Choose whether to scale up or scale down your ad accounts and budgets depending on what makes sense for you. No lock-in contracts.

💯 Experienced Eyes & Hands Only

I am a Facebook & Google certified ads specialist with over 6 years of experience.  I take pride in my quality of work, and do not outsource any work. However, I often partner with amazing marketing specialists with complementary skillsets and am happy to recommend their services.

🎯 Performance Focused

Get strategy that is designed to help you achieve objectives that are important your business cost-effectively.

🏆 Business Champion

Audits & recommendations include a discovery phase. I analyse your website traffic, audiences, products, past campaigns and other marketing efforts.

Digital Marketing Services